2 min read

Our spiritual energy is derived from a deep personal connection to our values and aligning these to our purpose and meaning in life. A purpose that is beyond our self-interest and aims to make a positive, meaningful contribution to the world. It provides the force for action in all dimensions of our lives and fuels our passion, commitment, and perseverance. If we live reactively, without giving much thought to what is important to us and how we want to show up in the world then during times of strife and crises we will wander in the desert of our minds, thirsty for direction, craving shelter from the heat of our fears and wishing someone would rescue us from our pain and discomfort. On the other hand, the clearer we are on what informs our decision-making, drives our behavior, and shapes our contribution in the world, the more likely we will be to find an oasis to replenish our supplies, rest our bodies and renew our spirits for the remainder of the journey ahead. Our spiritual energy acts like an oasis in our daily lives-a powerful source of motivation, determination, and endurance which can guide us through any crises, uncertainty and stress that is part of the ticket of being a human being.We are all living through a paradigm shift, which offers us the opportunity to create, build, maintain, and strengthen our own individual oasis. We get to look with fresh eyes at our rhythms and rituals in our lives and drink deeply from what serves and reinforces our spiritual wellbeing and reflect on what keeps us thirsty even in the midst of an abundant oasis which we often fail to see, believing it to be a mirage on the horizon of our minds. So many of us have found how meaningful and energizing it is to spend quiet time in reflection, to slow down the breath taking speed in which we have been living, to commune with nature, to spend quality time with our families, to connect with our communities and colleagues, to ask ourselves what is important to me and how do I want to live my life rather than simply giving up our power to choose, as if the pace and rhythm of life is out of our control and determined by some invisible force beyond our abilities to manage or challenge. This is one of the greatest gifts of our collective time-we have been given the opportunity to pause, slow down and deeply consider, the way we want to lead ourselves and others. Those of us who are brave and willing to rewrite our stories for a fulfilling, purpose driven life will find that living in alignment with our spiritual wellbeing, is nourishing, nurturing and immensely gratifying rather than living from a story that tells us we aren’t enough, that we must fear failure and somehow by working hard, striving endlessly and not taking time to renew, reflect and drink deeply of life, we are more likely to succeed and be happy - that is the narrative we are continually fed. Pushing beyond our comfort zones and then recovering expands our spiritual capacity, thus rewriting our narrative provides an opportunity to lead consciously and powerfully rather than leading from a place of limiting beliefs and assumptions, which no longer serve us or others.Spiritual energy is sustained by balancing commitment to a purpose beyond ourselves with adequate self-care. Our true joy, fulfillment and success lie at the heart of getting this balance right. When we are too focused on serving others and saying yes to them, the company, the next project, we rob ourselves of the vital sources of renewal, self-care and compassion required to be an effective leader and human being. Conversely, when we are too focused on our own agenda, getting ahead and executing to the plan so we can achieve results, we often leave behind a trail of destruction in our work and personal relationships, live on the edge of burnout and quite simply don’t enjoy the journey of life as our focus is always on the next goal, achievement or action. We have collectively bought into the limiting assumptions that our joy, fulfillment and spiritual wellbeing live just beyond the next rise, around the next corner, so we continue to strive, ignore and dismiss what is under our noses in the present moment of the journey and loose the golden opportunities of being with our families, walking in nature, watching a sunset or simply sitting enjoying the quiet.Now, more than ever, it is critical for us to focus on our character-to build, develop and maintain our courage and conviction to live in alignment with our deeply held values and purpose while caring for ourselves and others. Let’s regularly exercise the muscles that root our commitment, endurance and perseverance and give us access to renewal, recovery, and joy. The blooming garden that our spiritual wellbeing offers us is deep, fragrant, rich, and nourishing. The more effort and energy we put into tending it the more it will serve, support, and renew us during the most trying, difficult and challenging.times.Written by Gavin Shaskolsky

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